Oldest and rarest tobaccos blended in the 20th Anniversary Cigar launched by Rocky Patel Incorporation for the Indian cigar connoisseur

Rocky Patel Incorporation announced the launch of 20th Anniversary cigar through Banglore based INTABAC which is the brand custodian of Cigar Conexion. The Anniversary cigar celebrates the company’s 20 years of creating iconic cigars and takes the cigar experience to a whole new level.

Rocky Patel 20th Anniversary Cigar launched in India (box)
The Indian cigar market is rapidly growing with more enthusiasts enjoying global brands which are being made available in India. The current consumption of premium handmade cigars is about 5,00,000 sticks. Cigar Conexion commands almost twelve percent of the market and aims at capturing an additional four percent this year.

Cigars are quite well suited for the Indian market based on consumer taste , lifestyle and climate. The cigar has a nutty charcoal taste and are mild, mild to medium and medium bodied.

Rocky Patel’s brand of cigars try their best to introduce new flavours and aromas customized to the Indian Cigar smoker.

With 4 years in development, the blend combines fillers from Esteli and Jalapa, Nicaragua, as well as Jamastran , Honduras, dressed in an elegant Honduran wrapper. With premium, flavourful tobaccos and sporting a perfect box-press with expert construction this has all the makings of a legendary cigar. Your palate will experience flavours of leather , espresso, cinnamon, mocha, earth, wood, pepper and light spice. This cigar burns slowly and allows you to savor the depth and richness of the flavours.

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