Mumbai’s International Airport ranked among World’s Best 5 Airports

Mumbai international airport have been rated among the top five global airports in the world in terms of size by the Airports Council International’s Airport Service Quality Awards-2014.

The ACI survey, which covers 250 airports in the world, gauges them on crucial service areas such as access, check-in, security, airport facilities, food and beverage providers.The ASQ Survey, on which the awards are based, is the airport industry’s standard for measuring passenger satisfaction. With inclusion of the T2 terminal at the Mumbai International Airport, it has gained popularity and admiration from passengers and the council. Inaugurated on February 12, 2014, T2 is spread over 4.39 lakh square metres and was designed to cater to an estimated 40 million passengers annually. There are many facilities that passengers can expect in months to come. The southeast pier of the terminal is still under construction. When that is completed, domestic operations will commence on a full scale from T2 and authorities will get access to a bigger area to manage the passengers for boarding. T2 is also in the process of setting-up an integrated auto rickshaw plaza.

The top five airports globally include New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport, Taipei’s Taoyuan, Chongqing, Shanghai Hongqiao and Mumbai’s CSIA, as per the ACI.

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